The Basic Rundown
Enhanced Match is a an option Pinterest provides to create more accurate audiences and better attribute conversions.
When Enhanced Match is enabled, Pinoculars sends the visitor’s email to Pinterest when the page loads. This allows Pinterest to find a corresponding Pinterest account and link your visitor’s activity to that account.
This is especially important since Apple’s Safari browser now limits third party tracking. By enabling Enhanced Match, you can still track conversions for users that would otherwise be lost to Safari’s restrictions.
Please note the visitor’s actual email isn’t sent, but rather a “hash” of the email. This is an encrypted identifier for the email so that Pinterest can identify the user without compromising the privacy of non-registered visitors.
How do I know if Enhanced Match is working?
Check out the Pinterest Tag History for your conversion tag. This can be found when editing your conversion tag on Pinterest. Each event has a “Verified” or “Unverified” label. If Pinterest has received an Enhanced Match email with that event, it will say “Verified.”
If it’s unverified, please make sure Enhanced Match is enabled and wait anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple days (how long to wait depends on how much traffic you get.)
How Enhanced Match works on Shopify
On Shopify, Enhanced Match can be enabled through your Pinoculars settings. Once enabled, Pinoculars is able to send a hash of your visitor’s email when it’s known.
Shopify knows your user’s email when:
- The visitor is logged in, or
- The visitor has just completed their purchase
How Enhanced Match works on WordPress, WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
On WordPress, Enhanced Match can be enabled through the Pincoulars settings. When enabled, Pinoculars will send a hash of your visitor’s email to Pinterest when it can be retrieved.
Pinoculars can retrieve the visitor’s email for Enhanced Match when:
- The visitor is logged in, or
- The visitor has completed their purchase on either WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads
How can I learn more?
Pinterest has published a FAQ on Enhanced Match and privacy concerns. If you have any questions or concerns, just email .